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LOOP-LOC Installation Instructions

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Please Note: The instructions presented below are a general guide as to how to install a Loop Loc Pool Cover.
Please refer to your specific set of instructions from Loop Loc for more information on how to install your cover.


Step 1
Measure the cover and pool exactly. Lay cover over pool and adjust for equal overlap at all 4 corners of the pool. Example: a 20' x 40' rectangular pool takes a 22' x 42' cover. Overlap may vary 11" to 14".

Step 2
To determine anchor points for the 2 anchors at each corner of the pool, measure 18" back from the edge of the cover (not the edge of the pool). Measure at right angles to the cover edge, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Step 3
Install the 8 anchors at the 4 corners of the pool (see Anchor Installation below). Attach springs to cover straps, then install springs on anchors, using Installation Rod (see Spring Installation below).

Step 4
Snap a chalk line along the perimeter of the pool, using corner anchors 18" from cover as a guide. See Figure 1. This will ensure that all anchors will be aligned.

Step 5
With all 4 corners secured, locate remaining anchor points individually by pulling back each strap until cover edge is aligned with corner overlap. Anchors should be installed 18" back from aligned cover edge along strap line at right angle to cover edge. (NOTE: Chalk line should indicate proper distance for anchors to be aligned.)

Step 6
When all anchors and springs are installed, conduct a final check. Adjust all springs so that tension is equal on all parts of the cover and the cover edge lies in a straight line on all sides.


Step 1
Refer to Anchor Plan provided with cover. Cover must be laid out according to the plan to ensure proper installation.

Step 2
Using stakes and rope, lay a rope grid across the pool, as shown in Figure 2. Rope must be tight enough to support the cover while you install it.

Step 3
Stretch cover across pool and adjust for equal overlap on all sides. Overlap may vary 15" to 18" depending on the cover size.

Step 4
Locate anchor positions on Anchor Plan for straps numbered 1-4 (see Figure 3). Measure and mark anchor positions on deck 18" from edge of cover.

Step 5
Install anchors and springs (see below) for straps numbered 1-4 in order shown on Figure 3. To ensure proper fit, follow spring compression guidelines provided below.

Step 6
Locate and install anchors and springs for straps numbered 5-8 in order shown on Figure 3.

Step 7
With first 8 anchors secured, locate and install remaining anchors in an alternating pattern, working from the middle of the cover to the ends. Secure each spring as individual anchors are installed.

Step 8
When all anchors and springs are installed, conduct a final check. Adjust all springs so that tension is equal on all parts of the cover and the cover lies flat on the deck, with no bunches or creases.





Lace straps around the squared-off end of springs using the method pictured in Figure 8. This allows for easy adjustment of straps, thus ensuring proper compression of springs.


Step 1
Insert Installation Rod through retaining ring on end of spring (see Figure 9).
Step 2
Place heel of rod behind anchor bolt. Pull rod handle away from cover edge, until retaining ring on spring slides over anchor bolt (see Figure 10).
Step 3
Rotate rod until heel is free from anchor bolt. Cover is now secured to anchor.

Proper spring compression is crucial for a correct fit in all installations. Please follow these guidelines:

LOOP-LOC Safety Swimming Pool Covers (In-Ground): All new mesh covers tend to shrink in their cartons. By compressing springs almost totally (at least 85-90%) during the initial installation, you will ensure the cover will stretch back to its normal size. It is also recommended that the springs be retightened 2 to 3 weeks after initial installation to ensure that they remain approximately 70-75% compressed at all times.

LOC-SOLID Swimming Pool Covers (In-Ground): Spring compression for solid vinyl in-ground covers should be approximately 50%. Due to the nature of the LOC-SOLID fabric, this initial spring compression should be maintained, with adjustments as needed, to assure proper draining. Any standing water, such as melting snow or rainwater, must be immediately pumped off the cover on a regular basis with a weighted cover pump.


Step 1
Insert Installation Rod over anchor bolt with heel of rod facing cover (see Figure 11).
Step 2
Pressing downward, rotate rod 180 degrees so that heel of rod is between anchor bolt and retaining ring (see Figure 12).
Step 3
Tilt rod slightly toward cover until retaining ring slides off of anchor bolt. Cover is now released from anchor.


When an installation includes a raised bond beam, wall, rock or waterfall, the regular anchoring procedure cannot be used because of inadequate deck area. In these situations, the cover will be manufactured with snap hooks sewn to the underside. The snap hooks are designed to fasten to eyebolts (also provided with the cover) which must be installed in the raised wall.

IMPORTANT: Install this section of the cover FIRST. Never attempt to bypass use of snap hooks when cover is provided with them. All covers MUST be installed drum-tight to eliminate excessive wear, which will NOT be covered under our 10-year pro-rated warranty. Following the below procedures is crucial to ensuring proper installation and wear of the cover.


Step 1
Using the Anchor Plan provided with the cover, locate eyebolt locations.
Step 2
At each eyebolt location, use a 1/4" bit to carefully drill a pilot hole, then continue drilling with a 5/8" bit to a depth of 2 1/4" in the beam, wall, or other raised obstruction.
Step 3
Insert 2-piece lead shield, flared end first, into hole (see Figure 13). Tamp with lead shield tamp tool.
Step 4
Screw stainless steel eyebolt (5/16" with 1" eye) into the lead shield.
Step 5
Once the eyebolt is in, fasten the snap hook to the eyebolt as illustrated in Figure 14. Repeat process for each eyebolt.


When raised obstructions are made of wood, lead shields are not used. Rather, eye bolts are installed directly into the wood obstruction and secured with the washer and nut (also provided):
Step 1
Using the Anchor Plan provided with the cover, locate eye bolt locations.
Step 2
At each eye bolt location, drill a 5/16" diameter hole through the wood obstruction.
Step 3
Insert eye bolt directly through hole, and secure with washer and nut provided (see Figure 15).
Step 4
Fasten snap hook on cover to eye bolt as above.


LOOP-LOC SAFEDGE® Installation
In cases where raised obstructions, such as walls, at the edge of a pool may create a gap, the cover will be provided with LOOP-LOC's patented SAFEDGE® child safety barrier ­ a tough plastic extrusion sewn into the cover to fill the gap. Installation is as follows:

SAFEDGE may be trimmed to fit irregularities at the job site; cutting too much, however, might affect safety or damage the cover.

LOOP-LOC's patented GAPGUARD® is used to close the spaces created by varying deck levels, such as steps. GAPGUARD is manufactured 15" wide, but should be trimmed, after cover is fully adjusted and tightened, to lie flush against rise of deck, as shown:


Loop Loc Videos

Loop Loc
Information Video
Loop Loc
Pool Measuring Video
Loop Loc
Installation Video
How To Close A Pool Video Watch Elephant Walk On
Loop Loc Cover Video


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