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Web Site Reviews & Company Awards

See what actual customers have to say about

Los Angeles Times Reporter Jaclyn Easton

"Undisputedly the World's Largest Internet Pool
and Spa Store".

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C|NET’s The Web TV Show

"Electronic commerce at its finest on the Internet".


"A great example of making money on the Web".

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National Spa & Pool Institute

Voted us The Best Retail Pool & Spa Web Site and gave us the Consumer Influence Award in 1997.

Web Week Magazine

"Their success on the Web comes from filling a need that they understand from 19 years of dealing with pool & spa customers – and from the heavy overlap between those customers and Internet users".

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Pool & Spa News

Presented us with their Professional Excellence Award for The Best Retail Pool & Spa Web Site in 1997.

Aqua Magazine

Voted us one of the top 100 Pool & Spa companies in the country and
gave us their Aqua 100 Professional Award
in 1990, 1996, 1997,1998,1999 & 2000

Aqua 100 Award

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Swimming Pool / Spa Age Magazine

"Retail savvy and dedication...a flourishing retail establishment...a mail order operation, complete with catalogs, chemicals, accessories and other related wares".

Striking It book by McGraw-Hill

"This Internet destination has such a massive presence it all but owns the pool & spa supplies category online".

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All Internet Shopping Directory

Presented us with their Top Shopping Site Award in
1996, 1997 & 1998

Synapse Design Award

Every year since 1994, Synapse Imaging picks the best 100 Web Sites on the Internet, and we were given this award in 1998.


The Best of the Best on the Web Award

We were presented this award that salutes the best of the high-end web sites.

best of web


Spa Dealer Awards

We won the Hot Tub Spa Dealer of the Year Award in 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1990.  We won the Hot Tub Spa Dealer of Distinction Award in 1988 and 1991.

Better Cyber Bureau Charter Member

We were one of a select group of high quality
Electronic Commerce sites that were chosen to be Charter Members of the Better Cyber Bureau

Better Cyber Bureau Member

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4 Editor's Choice Award

We were selected as the best Retail Web Site in the Pool & Spa Category

Small Business Computing Magazine

Voted us #5 of the Top 100 Most Wired Small Businesses in North America

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Entrepreneur Magazine

Featured in their article "Content is King" in October 1999