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What is a Winter Spa Cover ?

Cover - Winter Spa Cover
Winter Spa Cover

Winter Spa Cover with Air Pillow Installed under Cover


While we hate to hear that anyone closes their hot tub spa down in the Winter, we do realize that approximately 25 % of people do.

If you do not like to use your spa outside in the winter, then this is the time of year to properly close it. The main reason for winterizing a spa is to stop any water from freezing inside either the spa shell, the pipes or the equipment - and causing serious damage by cracking your unit (water expands when it freezes).

One fact that many people forget when they close their spa is that the seam in the middle of the "hard" thermal cover is not completely water-tight. Rain water and melting snow can drip right through, into the spa ! When it gets cold again, this water will freeze and will e-x-p-a-n-d. This may actually crack the acrylic shell. You could check your spa in the middle of the winter, only to find that the tub you thought was completely drained is now half full of frozen water !

To avoid this situation, it is recommended to place a "Winter Spa Cover" over your "hard" spa cover. The Winter Covers are made of a waterproof, lightweight tarp-like material and are even large enough to cover the wood cabinet of portable spas. No water can get through them.



Cover can be used on square or rectangular spas also

They come with a cable and winch, to tighten it around the bottom of the spa cabinet:

 On inground or in-deck spas, the cover is secured with water tubes, like an inground swimming pool:

Cover - Winter Spa Cover

An air pillow can be installed between the "hard" cover and the Winter Cover to allow rain water to easily drain off the cover, instead of accumulating - and possibly cracking your "hard" cover:

Remember, spending a small amount of money up front can avoid costly damage come Springtime:

Winter Spa Cover with Air Pillow Installed under Cover


Winter Spa Covers - Various Styles

Winter Spa Cover
Spa Soft Covers