Hot Tub
Life Articles
Wrath of the Winter o' 96
From Hot Tub Life - March
The Winter o’ 96 is certainly
set to break many records here on Long Island ! So far this
season, there have been 16 major snow storms totaling over
70" of snow. This may be normal for many other parts of the
Country, but here on Long Island, we are usually upset if we get
10"-20" !
This constant bad weather over the
last three months has caused many problems with hot tubs, inside
and out. We have already sold more spa covers than we did
in all of 1995...and we are only three months into the year ! It
seems that even the best of the spa covers could not stand up to
this much snow for this long.
We have also spoken to many
customers who have indoor hot tubs (in sunrooms or greenhouses)
that froze up during those few days when temperatures dropped to
single digits. Their damage included cracked pipes, pumps,
heaters and even two spa shells that froze solid and split ! Of
course we have heard from countless spa owners with outdoor spas
that have suffered similar problems.
We suggest that if you have not
checked up on your poor little spa in the last few weeks, go out
there right away and see if you have any damage. If you do, call
us right away ! This spring season is going to be very, very
busy. Order you parts now to avoid the rush !