is easy to not think about what our brave men and women in the Army
go through on a daily basis over in Iraq or Afghanistan. The
truth is, most of them are not being shot at on a daily basis
anymore, but they are undergoing a lot of hardship. One thing
that you never see mentioned on the news is the fly problem over
there. Yes, we said flies! Think about how bothersome
just one fly is in your yard or in your house. People hate
flies. Well, in Iraq and Afghanistan there are A LOT OF FLIES
all over. They are big and very, very irritating.
We were contacted by a Sergeant in the Army stationed in Afghanistan
last month, and he told us of their fly problem and that he had seen
our Bug Zapper promoted in our Online Newsletter! Small world
huh? He asked if we could donate a number of Bug Zappers and
Bug Sluggers for he and his fellow troops. How can you say no
to that?
Unfortunately, we did not have enough Bug Zappers in stock for them,
and all of our suppliers were sold out as well. We finally
tracked down the actual manufacturer and ordered the needed Zappers
for the troops. We shipped them to
Afghanistan to protect out troops from the evil flies! They promise to send us some photos of them killing
bugs. Sometimes the little things in life make things MUCH
more comfortable, and we were pleased to be able to help out our
troops, who work so very hard for us all. The internet is a
wonderful thing, no?
the Bug Zapper |