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with over 5000 pages of information, pool & spa supplies and parts ! News and KVBC NBC TV
Sponsor "Pooling Together...Saving Lives"
Pool Safety Campaign

June 10, 2008 News, Las Vegas, NV, a Nevada based internet retailer, has teamed up with KVBC and NBC Las Vegas TV, to sponsor a child safety awareness campaign called "Pooling Together....Saving Lives".  This campaign promotes swimming pool safety tips to remind southern Nevada homeowners that swimming pools can be dangerous if not protected properly by a few simple safety devices. President Daniel Harrison is the spokesman for the TV spot, which was produced by NBC TV in May of 2008.  The campaign will run from May through the end of August 2008 on the local NBC affiliate KVBC during such popular shows as The Today Show, Rachael Ray, Days of Our Lives, Montel Williams, Dr. Phil and during the morning, noon and evening news programs.  The ads will also play on the KVBC web site, their Weather Plus online service, Cox cable TV, the Poolandspa.TV and web sites, as well as on YouTube.

The key tips promoted are that supervision is the key to pool safety. Combine it with a variety of barriers and safety devices such as fences, latched gates, locked doors, pool covers and more, and hopefully drownings can be prevented.

Although swimming pools are a lot of fun for both children and adults, following a few simple tips can ensure the safety of all swimmers! 

You can see the TV commercial to the left.
Click here to see the Pool Alarms and Safety Devices that are available for your pool through




Protect children from drowning by following these pool safety tips:

º Never leave a child alone near any body of water, even for a moment.
º Never use floaties or other inflatable toys as life jackets or as substitutes for adult supervision.
º Never leave toys in or near the pool, so children aren’t tempted to reach for them and accidentally fall into the water.
º Keep rescue equipment, such as a shepherd’s hook or life preserver, and a telephone by the pool.
º Install a fence at least four feet high around all four sides of the pool to separate your house from the pool. Any openings should be no more than four inches wide so children cannot squeeze through the spaces.
º Use gates that self-close and self-latch, with latches at least 54 inches high (above a child’s reach).
º Keep tables and chairs away from the pool fence to prevent children from climbing into the pool area.
º Power operated pool safety covers are the safest and easiest covers to use. Solar/floating pool covers are not safety covers and do not provide adequate protection from drowning.
º Keep doors and windows leading to the pool, including doggy doors, closed and locked when not in use.
º Doors and windows should be alarmed to alert family members when opened.
º Parents, grandparents and babysitters should learn CPR and be able to rescue a child if needed. Mount CPR instructions by the pool.
º Enforce rules such as “No running, No pushing, No dunking” and “Never swim alone.”
º Never consider children to be “drown-proof” despite swimming skills, previous swimming lessons or experience. Children should always be supervised while swimming

Click here to see the Pool Alarms and Safety Devices that are available for your pool through