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Facts About Automatic Robotic Pool Vacuum Cleaners

How They Can Save You Time And Money

Facts About Automatic Robotic Pool Vacuum Cleaners

Do you still have all that extra time each week to constantly vacuum your Swimming Pool?







From News
Navarre, FL USA

Facts About Automatic Robotic Pool Vacuum Cleaners

With the extremely busy lives that we all live these days, who has the time to spend hour after hour vacuuming your swimming pool each week? Some people have the money to hire a pool service to vacuum the pool for them, but even if they do it once a week, you know that it looks like crap the day after the vacuuming anyway.

What is a person to do? Why, oh why, have they not invented something that does the vacuuming for you?  Kind of like some sort of futuristic robot type thing that you simply put in the pool and it does all the work for you.


Well you are in luck because they have, in fact, invented such things!

Automatic Pool Cleaners have been around for a while, but they are getting more and more popular each year. Many companies are making fully automatic and/or robotic pool vacuum cleaners. These things work g-r-e-a-t !  They clean the pool better than you can do yourself and they work all the time. Keeping your pool floor and walls scrubbed and vacuumed 24/7. You HAVE to get one of these. And they have models that clean Inground or Above Ground pools!


You may be thinking, "Oh, those things are way too expensive.

"They are only for the rich, right?"  Well, actually no. The truth is that most automatic pool vacuum cleaners cost from $200 to $700. With the most deluxe heavy duty models costing from $800 to $1100. But look at it this way - they have a life expectancy of about 10 years. So let's take a $600 unit for example and that's only about a cost of $60 per year!


And just think of all the money you will save by not having to vacuum the pool.

Or even better - think all the money you will save by not having to pay a pool guy to do it! They get from $50-$90 a week for vacuuming service in most parts of the country - and they only do it once per week. So if you have a pool guy vacuum your pool once a week at, let's say at $50 per visit, and you have the pool vacuumed 20 times per season, that's $940 bucks in vacuuming savings right there - just in YEAR ONE!

How Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaners Save You Time And Money

You may say "Yeah, but I can just do it myself, so those numbers mean nothing to me?" Oh really?

Well, certainly your time is worth something. Your time is extremely valuable nowadays. As much as your spouse may think so, you are not "totally worthless" - LOL! We are sure you have much better things to do in life than work on your pool during the hot summertime swimming season for sure!


Now you may feel that the whole money / time savings analogy does not pertain to you.

That's OK, but you are forgetting one other MAIN BENEFIT of the Automatic Pool Cleaners. Your pool is always clean - not just on the one day a week you vacuum it, but ALWAYS.  You can keep Automatic Pool Cleaners in the pool most of the time and run them everyday or every other day for a few hours and your pool walls and floor will ALWAYS be clean. No amount of home vacuuming or pool service guy vacuuming can even come close to that!


Now let's talk environmentally green too. 

Most Automatic Pool Cleaners are totally green products. Most work on low voltage DC current, so as well as being totally safe, they are very, very inexpensive to operate. Most vacuum the pool AND filter the water at the same time, so you save money on running your pool filter.

They also do not waste ANY WATER, like the vacuuming to waste usually does. You do not lose one drop of water when vacuuming with your Automatic Pool Cleaner - and in many parts of the country, drought conditions are making water very expensive as well!


So basically, Automatic Pool Cleaners really do save you time, money and keep your pool cleaner with little to no effort!

So let's face the facts. With Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaners you save money, you save time, and you help save the environment. And the best benefit of all is that your pool walls and floor are ALWAYS clean, not just on your "vacuuming day", but ALL WEEK LONG!

You really owe it to yourself to check out some of these wonderful inventions (see links below) and start enjoying all the benefits of a crystal clean pool without all the work, expense and hassle!


Any questions? Feel free to give us a call at 800-876-7647 and we can help select the Automatic Pool Vacuum that's best for you! Specials
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