FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Gains "Recommended Rating" From The Online
Business Bureau

WASHINGTON D.C., October 16, 2009 -- Inc. has
gained the "Recommended Rating" from the Online Business Bureau,
a Washington, DC based consumer protection agency. Inc. has been selling on the web since 1994
and its' parent company has been in the swimming pool and hot
tub industry since 1980. They have no outstanding consumer
complaints against them and they operate in a trustworthy
manner, seldom seen these days, especially with many online
The "Recommended Rating" was earned by for
their outstanding commitment to customer satisfaction with their
online business, serving customers worldwide.
The Online Business Bureau is not like the Better Business
Bureau. The Better Business Bureau charges companies hundreds of
dollars each year to become members. The BBB is a private
corporation. Most people do not realize that the BBB is just a
private company - and not part of any government agency.
The Online Business Bureau is a better alternative for
consumers to investigate whether a business is legitimate. We
believe this allows us to offer greater consumer protection. We
specialize in rating companies that do business online through a
website. We maintain an extensive database of
companies doing business all over the globe. Our service allows
you to research a company before giving them your money. We also
give you our assessment of a company whether or not they
are a member of our organization.
If you need to investigate a company or research a company,
we invite you to use our service. If you've been unfortunate
enough to have a bad experience, you can use our service to file
a complaint about a company. We'll then contact the company on
your behalf and ask them to solve your problem. You can be
assured that companies who do not respond to complaints through
us will receive a negative rating, regardless of whether they
are a member.
For more information about the Online Business Bureau,
visit their web site.
For more information about contact Jeff Baxter
at 702-437-4343 or email to
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