Striking It Rich.com Press Release - January 1999
Online Shopping Success
In her book, StrikingItRich.com (CommerceNet Press, div., McGraw-Hill; New York; 1999), author Jaclyn Easton recognized Paramount Pools/Long Island Hot Tubs, a New York based retailer of pool and spa supplies, as an example of a successful online retailer.
The author said the highlights of the firm’s 1000 page Web site include a large product inventory, informative articles and an interactive e-mail question-and-answer option. Combining spa supplies and the Web makes sense when you consider the clientele, the author noted. The typical spa owner is over 35 years old and earns a minimum of $66,500 annually - a demographic consistent with online shoppers. For more information on this book, check out www.StrikingItRich.com