Many hot tub owners report problems with their
water chemistry that could easily be avoided if they used Spa Shock
properly. Here we will discuss what Spa Shock does and the correct
way to use it.
Basically, a Shock treatment to water consists
of instantaneously raising the sanitizer level of the water to
immediately kill off all the foreign bacteria present at that time.
Shocking water does not provide a long term residual base of
sanitizer and should only be used occasionally when needed.
It is not recommended to use either bleach or
pool chlorine in your hot tub spa.
Shocking a spa usually consists of adding 2 or
3 cap-fulls of Spa Shock to the spa water once per week. If you are
in doubt, read the instructions on the Spa Shock product you have to
figure out the correct dosage for the size of your particular spa.
The most common times to shock your spa are
when you have just refilled it with fresh water, just before and
just after a party or other period of heavy usage, once a week when
you adjust your other spa chemicals, if your spa ever turns green or
you develop a slimy greenish color on the spa walls or floor, if
your water smells musty or looks cloudy, or if you test your water
mid-week and find a low Bromine reading.
As you can see, the times your spa needs Shock
the most are the times when there is a low bromine level combined
with a high bacteria count. Proper use of Spa Shock will help keep
your spa water crystal clear and safe for the whole family !