Installation Tips

Installation Information
Please note: These are generic
instructions that cover the typical installation procedure for most
ozonators. Your make and model may vary. Your spa brand may require
certain alterations to properly install the ozonator. When in doubt,
contact the ozonator manufacturer and/or the spa manufacturer to
make sure.
These instructions are for the
do-it-yourselfer who needs some help working on their own hot tub
spa. Here we are assuming that if you have chosen to work on your
own unit, you have a basic knowledge of electricity.
Please remember that water and
electricity DO NOT MIX. If you are not capable of performing a
repair yourself, please contact a local spa professional or a
licensed electrician in your area.
Also realize that the wiring and
equipment described herein represents the "average" spa
equipment pack. Your unit may vary significantly from the components
described below. If you are in doubt as to how to properly
troubleshoot, install or repair your specific unit, please contact a
local spa professional or a licensed electrician in your area.
Use any of the information
contained herein AT YOUR OWN RISK. We will not be held liable for
any injuries that may result from the troubleshooting or
installation of any electrical components in your hot tub spa unit.
An ozonator produces ozone gas by
combining oxygen with ultra violet light to produce O3 (ozone) gas.
This gas is a powerful oxidizer and will sanitize water when
properly injected.
The ozonator should be firmly
mounted by the spa or by the spa's equipment (sometimes under the
cabinet in portable spas). The ozonator is hooked up to a power
source. The ozone tubing is connected to the ozonator at one end and
into an air pipe of the spa's jet piping on the other end. When
water runs through the spa's jet piping, a suction is created in the
air piping attached to each jet. This is called the "Venturi
Effect". That suction is what actually pulls (sucks) the ozone
gas from the ozonator. The gas is then mixed with the water and
small ozone bubbles are injected into the spa through the jet that
is closest to the ozone tubing. The ozone gas then reacts with the
water and kills almost 100% of all bacteria and organics in the
Step 1 -
Mount ozonator. Decide where you want to mount the ozonator itself.
Normally this would be under the cabinet of a portable,
self-contained spa - or near the spa pack of an in-the-ground
component type spa system. Sometimes it is necessary to mount the
ozonator under a deck, or on the wall of a spa room. Wherever you
decide, there should be adequate air flow around the unit.
Step 2 -
Hookup electric power to the ozonator. There are many ways to do
this. Different ozonators come with different type plugs on the end
of the cord. Some brands do not come with any plug, just wires. Each
installation is a little different. You can plug the unit into a
standard 110 volt outlet, if one is available nearby - but the unit
will always be on. A more common installation is to hookup the
ozonator directly to the timer of the spa pack. This way it is GFCI
protected as well as the unit only comes on and off when you have
your timer set. Another way is to hook it up directly to the GFCI of
the spa. This way it is GFCI protected, but it will always be on.
There are 2 schools of thought
when it comes to deciding whether or not to hook up the ozonator to
a timed electric source or to hook it up to a constant powered
source. We will not make a value judgment here, but we will simply
tell you the two opposing viewpoints and you can make the best
decision that you feel comfortable with. Some manufacturers and Spa
Guys feel strongly about # 1 and some feel strongly about # 2. You
decide which is best for you.
School #
1 - Definitely hook it up to your timer circuit. This
will save the life of the bulb. Why keep the bulb burning 24 hours
per day when you will only be using the ozonator 6 hours per day ?
School #
2 - Definitely hook it up to a constant power source.
These bulbs will last 4-5 years when kept on continuously.
Constantly turning them off and on will reduce the bulb life and
cause undue strain on the ballast.
# 3 - Hookup venturi assembly. Decide where you want to
cut into your jet air piping. Usually you will want to choose a
location that is closest to the ozonator and easiest to work on. The
ozone tubing must be tapped into the air pipe line or air control
tube (see attached drawings). This will be your Venturi Assembly.
This can be done in a few of
This can sometimes be accomplished with a saddle clamp that is often
included with some ozonator brands. Drill into the air pipe and
insert the saddle clamp fitting. Attach the ozone tube to the
fitting (barb).
You can use an ozonator injector manifold that you can either build
with commonly available plumbing fittings or commercially available
prefabricated injector manifolds (see attached drawing). Cut the jet
air piping and insert the manifold assembly. Attach the ozone tubing
to the barbed fitting.
In some instances, you can simply drill a hole into the jet air
piping, slip the ozone tubing into the hole and silicone around the
tubing to keep it in place. Since this is not a water filled pipe, a
100% seal is not absolutely necessary - but the better the seal, the
greater your suction will be, so try to seal it as best as possible
with the silicone.
Step # 4
- Install check valve. The check valve is a safety device
that will not allow any water to back up into the ozonator unit
itself. When properly installed, water should never even be in the
ozonator tubing, but there are instances when this could possibly
happen - so it is best to use the check valve. Blow into it. You
will notice that you can only blow into it in one direction. Make
sure that you install it the correct way or the gas will not be able
to be sucked out of the ozonator unit. Once you have determined the
proper direction of flow, cut the ozone tubing and insert the check
valve at that point. Once more, blow into each end of the tubing to
check that the flow direction is correct. If you are blowing from
the end that will attach to the spa, you SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BLOW
THROUGH IT. If you are blowing from the end that gets attached to
Step # 5
- Check all connections. One end of the ozonator tubing
should be attached to the spa jet piping at your Venturi Assembly.
Then it should run to the check valve. Then it should be hooked up
to the ozonator itself.
Step # 6
- Check for proper gas flow. Turn on the spa (low speed).
Make sure that any and all air control knobs (valves) on the spa are
closed (see attached drawing). They must always be closed or you
will not get the proper seal for the Venturi Effect suction to take
place. Good rule of thumb is to always have the air control knobs
closed at all times except when you are actually using the spa. When
the air control knobs are closed, and the spa is running at high or
low speed, you should see little air bubbles coming from the spa jet
closest to the area where you installed your Venturi Assembly. Those
bubbles will be ozone gas if the ozonator is on and will just be
regular air bubbles when the ozonator is off.
Step # 7
- Set up system timer. An ozonator should run for 3 hours
per every 12 hours (see Ozonator Facts information attached). It is
best not to run it for 6 hours continuously. For example, set your
timer to run from 6AM - 9AM, then 6PM-9PM. Whenever the pump is
running, there is ozone being injected into the water.
Step # 8
- Chemicals. Review the EZ Chemical Instructions and
Ozonator Facts. You will still need to chemically treat the water to
some degree. The ozonator will only help to sanitize the water.
- Z Chemical Instructions for Tubs with Ozonators
Drain spa water every 2 - 3
months, depending on use.
Clean spa shell with SPRAY
AWAY acrylic spa cleaner (do not use a soap based cleaner
Wax spa shell with HIGH LIGHT
SPA BRITE aerosol acrylic wax (do not use car wax!).
Soak filter cartridge
overnight in FILTER CLEANER solution and rinse thoroughly
with water.
Squeeze out SCUMBALLS or
SCUMBUGS and rinse them off with fresh water.
Refill spa with fresh water
to recommended level.
If using PERFECT PH, add the
entire bottle to the spa water. Run the spa on HIGH SPEED for 15
minutes, then proceed with Step # 2. If not using PERFECT PH, go
directly to Step # 2.
Add 2 bottle caps of
Add 2 bottle caps of SPA
Add 2 bottle caps of WATER
CLARIFIER to the water (Don't add this if using PERFECT pH).
Add 2 ounces of SCUMDIGESTER
or any other ENZYME based product to the water.
Test and adjust the pH of the
water to 7.6 - 8.2 by adding either pH PLUS or pH MINUS (Don't
do this if using PERFECT pH).
Test and adjust the
ALKALINITY of the water to 100 by adding ALKALINITY PLUS (Don't
do this if using PERFECT pH).
the CHEMICAL FLOATER and put FLOATER in the spa water. This will
ensure that there is a small amount of bromine sanitizer in the
water, even when the ozonator is off.
Run spa on LOW SPEED for at
least 6 hours to heat up, properly mix all the chemicals and
filter the water.
Test water for Bromine, pH
and Alkalinity.
to the FLOATER if necessary.
Adjust the Alkalinity to 100
and the pH to 7.6 - 8.2 (Don't adjust pH or Alkalinity if using
Rinse off the cartridge
filter with fresh water.
Squeeze out SCUMBALLS or
SCUMBUGS and rinse them off with fresh water.
Add 2 bottle caps of WATER
CLARIFIER (Don't add this if using PERFECT pH).
Add 2 bottle caps of SPA
Add 2 ounces of SCUMDIGESTER
or any other ENZYME based product.
Clean water line and lip of
spa with SPRAY AWAY acrylic spa cleaner (do not use a soap based
cleaner !)
OZONATOR and low speed spa
pump should operate on LOW SPEED at least 3 hours every 12
hours. If using OZONATOR, you should also use at least 1-2
BROMINE TABLETS in a Chemical FLOATER as well.
Chemical FLOATER should have
BROMINE TABS in it and should remain in spa at all times, except
when you are using it.
remain in spa at all times, except when you are using it. They
absorb surface oils and reduce "ring around the spa"
at the water line.
Call us anytime for water
chemistry advice or to order any hot tub chemicals or accessories.
1-800-876-7647 or
Ozonator Facts
What is Ozone ? Ozone is a gas
(like the ozone layer around the earth) that is produced by
ultraviolet light exposure to oxygen. When ozone gas is injected
into spa water, it acts as a very powerful sanitizer and will kill
off almost all of the bacteria present. Ozonated spa water will
remain clearer longer than just using bromine or chlorine as the
primary sanitizer.
Ozone water purification is 3000
times more powerful than ordinary water sanitizers (bromine or
chlorine). It does not give off that "chemical smell"
normally found in pools and spas and tends to produce less skin and
nasal irritation. An ozonated spa can usually go longer between
water drainings than a spa using other sanitizer chemicals.
How does it work ? The ozone
generator in a spa contains an ultraviolet light bulb. The unit
sucks in oxygen from the surrounding air and exposes it to this
light source. The oxygen is transformed into ozone which is
"O-3" gas. This gas is then sucked into the jet piping of
the spa by the "venturi effect" which creates a suction
that shoots the gas into the spa water through either a water jet or
a special ozone fitting located near the bottom of your spa.
The O-3 gas then goes to work
attacking any bacteria present in the water. Two of the oxygen
molecules are used up during the chemical reaction and the third
oxygen molecule is released back into the air. That molecule
accounts for the "fresh" or "sweet" scent that
is often noticed coming from an ozonated spa.
How long does it last ? Once
injected into the spa water, ozone gas will only remain present for
approximately 12 hours. This means that at the end of 12 hours, your
spa will have NO SANITIZER in it ! For this reason it is recommended
that an ozonator be turned on at least 2 hours every 12 hours. This
will ensure an adequate amount of ozone sanitizer in the water at
all times.
Do I have to use any other
chemicals ? Yes, you do ! You should check and adjust your Total
Alkalinity and pH levels once per week. You may still need a
Demineralizer, Defoamer and a Water Clarifier. Even with an
ozonator, you still need to add some form of regular sanitizer to
your spa.
You can do this in one of two
ways: You can add 2 caps of Spa Shock to the spa twice a week or you
can keep 1 or 2 Bromine Tablets in a chemical Floater and leave the
Floater in the spa at all times except when you are using it. Either
of these methods will provide you with a minimum level of sanitizer
in the spa even when the ozonator is off and neither will be enough
to produce a bad "chemical smell" or any of the other
negative side effects of regular sanitizers.
Does an ozonator ever need any
maintenance ? Yes, it does. The ultraviolet light bulb in the unit
will eventually burn out and need replacing. Bulbs usually last
approximately 5 years under normal use and are relatively easy to
replace. Aside from that, an ozonator will pretty much take care of
How big is an ozonator ? Is it
huge ? No, it isn't ! When ozonators first came out in the mid 80's,
they were much larger than they are today. The first ozonators were
about 2 feet high and 10 inches wide. It was a problem to fit them
into some portable spa cabinets. With the increased technology
available today, ozonator units have become much, much smaller and
can be installed into almost any spa with ease.
How do I know if it's working ?
There are a few ways you can check to make sure that you are
injecting ozone into your spa. Most ozonators have an indicator
light on them which tells you that the ultraviolet light is on.
Also, you can actually see the ozone coming into your spa. You can
see the little ozone bubbles coming out of your main spa jet. This
is a real good indication that the unit is on.

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