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O.J. Simpson's Jacuzzi

The importance of Kato Kaelin Leaving the Jets On That Fateful Night

(Reprinted from the Hot Tub Newsletter 1996)

See Also: O.J. Simpson arrested in Vegas Robbery

See Also: O.J. Simpson's Jacuzzi and

Of course we all remember the media circus that had surrounded the O.J. Simpson Trail throughout 1995, however we never could have imagined that O.J.'s Jacuzzi would play such an important role in the case !

If you did not follow the trial, then this article will certainly seem like all the rest of the endless drivel that we were all exposed to every day about this case. However if you were an O.J. addict, then you'll probably like these little hot tub tid-bits !

To start off, we must first realize that this trial was really about the tragedy of the deaths of two innocent people, Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. All too often, this fact got lost in all of the details - and people tended to forget how truly sad and painful this must have been for the friends and families of Nicole and Ron. We at Hot Tub Life sincerely express our deepest sympathy to their families and loved ones.

For whatever reasons, right or wrong, the public was very interested in every small detail surrounding this case. Being that we are a Hot Tub information newsletter, we feel that we should highlight all the details involving O.J.'s Jacuzzi hot tub !

During the March 22,1995 testimony of Simpson's houseguest Brian "Kato" Kaelin, Marcia Clark was questioning him about events that transpired after O.J. had returned from the dance recital of his daughter. Kato had been speaking with O.J. . Marcia Clark asked him if he had had any further conversation with him (O.J.). Kato said "Yes, I was, wondered (sic) if I could take a Jacuzzi."

Kato's body wasn't what it once was, and he had spent the weekend playing basketball and taking long runs. It was not unusual for him to run 10 miles at a time. Aside from having some body aches, he wanted to go use the spa to get away from O.J. . He didn't want to have to hear him complain about Nicole again. Kato said "I guess in my heart I knew that something had happened at the recital".

Although Kato had lived at O.J.'s house for a number of months, he still felt the need to ask permission if he wanted to use the pool or the spa. O.J. said that he could use the "Jacuzzi" and seemed lost in thought about other matters.

Kato spent about 30 minutes in the spa, looking up at the sky and soothing his aching muscles. It started to get dark out, so he got out and headed back to his guest house room, near the pool and spa area. Little did he know that he had just made a mistake that would launch him into the national spotlight and change his life forever. He didn't turn off the hot tub jets.

A few minutes later, Kato saw O.J. coming over to the guest house. This was fairly unusual, and Kato wondered what the problem was. O.J. opened the door and said " know you left the Jacuzzi jets on ? Are you done ?" Kato said "Yeah. I'm really sorry O.J.". O.J told him that it was really no big deal and that he'd turn them off. They discussed the possibility of inviting some girls over to the house.

O.J. left, only to return a few minutes later. "Kato", O.J. said, "I've got an embarrassing question to ask you." "What is it ?" Kato replied, worrying to himself that this question might have something to do with him screwing up the Jacuzzi. "I have all hundreds. Can I borrow five dollars to give the skycap at the airport ?" Kato said "Sure" and listened carefully when O.J. spoke about going to get something to eat for dinner.

Without thinking, Kato asked O.J. if he could go with him to get some food. O.J. looked at him for a moment, almost like Kato was "out of line" for inviting himself. Before Kato could think much longer, O.J. said "Yeah, sure, come along, we'll grab a burger or something."

As we all know, this was the beginning of the tragedy that was soon to occur. They got burgers, returned to the Rockingham Estate and Kato left O.J. standing by his Bently, staring into space and acting very strange. Kato never saw O.J. go back into his house. The time was approximately 9:40 PM - just minutes before the time frame that the murders supposedly took place in.

Kato's testimony about what happened that night and exactly what time he went with O.J. to get burgers became another important piece of the prosecution's puzzle...trying to point to O.J.'s guilt. If Kato had not asked O.J. to use the Jacuzzi, and had he not forgotten to turn off the jets, O.J. would have never gone over to his guest house - and they probably would not have gone out to get dinner together.

Had this series of events not happened in just this way, Kato would not have been as important a witness for the prosecution as he was. "I wasn't supposed to go" Kato was been reported as saying. He wasn't supposed to have been with O.J. at all that night.

The whole series of seemingly small and insignificant events all came together to make Kato famous, and helped the prosecution's case against O.J. Simpson. And all because he left the Jacuzzi jets on !



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