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Hot Tub Life Articles

Scumball Alert....Do You Know Where Your Scumball Is ?

Scumball Oil Absorber

For those of you that don't know, "Scumballs" are a miracle product for use in spas and hot tubs. They come in a pack of 2 balls and float on the surface of your spa water. They are also available as "Scumbugs", the same basic concept, except in "bug" shape. Scumballs are made of a unique patented material that can absorb up to 32 times their weight in oil !

Scumballs are constantly at work in your hot tub to remove any oils that accumulate on the surface of the water. They greatly reduce the "ring around the spa" that occurs at the water line and also save your filter from becoming coated with these oils...greatly expanding the filter's effective life span.

Scumballs have always been one of the best selling hot tub aftermarket products in the country. Recently, it has been brought to our attention that many customers have lost a Scumball ! Did someone steal it? Did it just get up and walk away ? Where in the heck did he go ?

The little guy may still be in your spa, but not quite where you want him to be ! Whenever you remove a top loading spa filter cartridge, you are supposed to turn the spa pump OFF. However, many people don't do this...they leave the spa running without the filter in place. The poor little Scumball can actually get sucked into the hole under the filter ! It usually gets wedged somewhere in the spa plumbing and causes either a drastic decrease in the jet pressure or can actually clog your entire system !

What's the solution to "The Missing Scumball" ? Make sure that you remove them from the spa water and turn off your spa pump before removing your filter for cleaning. Following this simple rule will stop unnecessary Scumball deaths and save you from paying for a repair service call !

Check out Scumballs right now !