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Hot Tub Life Articles

Bill Clinton Gets A Spa

Originally published in the Sept. 1997 Hot Tub Life Newsletter

Well, now you have heard it all from the current administration ! First there was Travel-gate, then File-gate, then Coffee-gate and now Spa-gate ? Yes, President Clinton has finally joined all of you happy hot tubbers and secretly had a portable Hot Springs spa installed at the White House.

The unit was delivered in May, to help Clinton out with his injured knee, but it wasn’t until a reporter recently asked about the President’s rehabilitation that he was told that "The spa has helped". What spa ?, everyone wondered !

Many of the national pool and spa organizations and magazines received numerous calls from the media immediately thereafter to find out about every possible detail regarding the "Presidential Spa" and the therapeutic effects of hot tub spas - especially for knee injuries.

Turns out that the unit, made by Watkins Manufacturing, was provided to the White House via the National Park Service. It was unclear as to who actually paid for the spa. Is it possible that he got it at one of the "fund raising" coffees ? Hummmm...

Hot Tub Life Update - January 1998

After further investigation, we learned that the $8000.00 Presidential Hot Tub was, in fact, paid for by Watkins Manufacturing. They wanted to give it to the POTUS, but were not allowed to do so due to certain "gift giving" regulations. The only way that they could properly get it to the White House was to provide the unit as a "donation" to the National Park Service who, in turn, was able to legally provide it to the White House. President Clinton was unavailable for comment, but his spokesman said that he does enjoy the spa and it did help with his knee injury.